Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Boone Fine Arts Night!!! Coming up on May 13th!

Boone's annual Fine Arts Night is coming up on Thursday, May 13th from 5:30 to 6:45 PM.
We plan to have the honor choir perform several fun pieces, to have several art activities, and artwork up on display, created especially for the evening. Oh, and frito pie will be served after the musical performance. Yum!

Here are the guidelines for those students who are interested in submitting artwork that will be put on display for the evening:

* Artwork must be neat, complete, and original - please no coloring pages, or torn out notebook paper (paper can be obtained from Ms. Poe or Mrs. Duncan, if necessary)
* Artwork must be dropped off by Tuesday May 11th so that it can be prepared for Fine Arts Night
* Artwork must have your name, grade, and classroom teacher written on the back

Ms. Daniel, Mrs. Duncan, Ms. Cortez, and I look forward to seeing you there!

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